"Happiness is two different things, What you take and then what you bring." ~The Strokes I love the sounds of this band...don't always agree with their lyrics, but these lyrics I do. Humans, always searching for happiness...many searching for and never finding it. They accept short term joy over and over, expecting everlasting bliss, knowing deep down they are only fooling themselves. They lament with each passing dream, "Why me?", wondering how they find themselves in the same unfulfilling predicament again. True happiness is in God alone; I know, it's a cliché, but it is a truth. Only when we let go of our own desires of self love and live our lives in giving, without expecting, will we break free of selfish desires to be loved. Don't get me wrong; everyone wants to be loved. And it's a beautiful thing when genuine. I'm talking of the selfish motivation to do things for others to get their love. This motivation is solely based on our n...
A Catholic Spiritual Journey Thru the Study of Human Nature