Sister Marie Therese: "...You whistle and everybody dances. Except one person, Myself. For I simply don't believe you." Bernadette Soubirous: "I never wanted you to believe me, Sister." I remember several years ago a conversation with a friend from work in which I stated that I wanted to be a saint. How silly a statement this was. I'm sure it was misunderstood and that I was inwardly mocked by my friend. But, I only meant in my be a better person. I was not professing a desire to be a famous saint - but I have to admit I did crave attention to my perceived goodness. How foolish in my thinking I was then. I had no idea...none. It occurs to me that I was immature, and still am, in my faith. I don't pray as often as I should as I fill my time with my job, then television and relaxing. Prayer in all it's forms, through spiritual readings, meditation on God's wonderful creations, spoken prayer, good works, sacrifice, etc....
A Catholic Spiritual Journey Thru the Study of Human Nature