For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. 2 Tim 4:3-4 Have you ever discussed a subject with someone who refuses to listen? Frustrating, huh? Especially when dialog does not stay on topic or responses to valid points are unrelated. But more than frustration, I often feel discouraged because truth is ignored for the sake of convenience, resulting in continued separation from God. People are so often swayed by arguments in favor of things that are against God's commandments because they can then live lives that suit their nature without guilt. Even more alarming are people of faith who are swayed into worldly thinking. There is a recent quote attributed to Pope Francis that boils down to salvation is obtainable without God. In di...
Sister Marie Therese: "...You whistle and everybody dances. Except one person, Myself. For I simply don't believe you." Bernadette Soubirous: "I never wanted you to believe me, Sister." I remember several years ago a conversation with a friend from work in which I stated that I wanted to be a saint. How silly a statement this was. I'm sure it was misunderstood and that I was inwardly mocked by my friend. But, I only meant in my be a better person. I was not professing a desire to be a famous saint - but I have to admit I did crave attention to my perceived goodness. How foolish in my thinking I was then. I had no idea...none. It occurs to me that I was immature, and still am, in my faith. I don't pray as often as I should as I fill my time with my job, then television and relaxing. Prayer in all it's forms, through spiritual readings, meditation on God's wonderful creations, spoken prayer, good works, sacrifice, etc....