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The Feel Good Gospel

For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. 2 Tim 4:3-4

Have you ever discussed a subject with someone who refuses to listen? Frustrating, huh?  Especially when dialog does not stay on topic or responses to valid points are unrelated.  But more than frustration, I often feel discouraged because truth is ignored for the sake of convenience, resulting in continued separation from God. People are so often swayed by arguments in favor of things that are against God's commandments because they can then live lives that suit their nature without guilt.

Even more alarming are people of faith who are swayed into worldly thinking.  There is a recent quote attributed to Pope Francis that boils down to salvation is obtainable without God. In discussing this with a fellow Catholic, I just shook my head because she refused to acknowledge that the Pope did not say it and that we should "not judge, lest we be judged" and that everyone is entitled to their opinions.  How uninformed about her Christian faith and lack of the "Good News."

A Christian's duty is to spread the Gospel and enlighten doing so, we help to bring souls to the truth.  What greater gift is that?  Eternal salvation...eternal and unimaginable peace and love in God's presence. That is the goal of every Christian and our duty!  To judge and condemn is a totally different matter and often confused with our duty to witness. Arm yourselves with knowledge and you can easily and confidently defend against this skewed version of thought.  You must go deeper into your faith and realize that we are not to judge.  Remember, when saying the Lord's Prayer, we ask that God judge us with the same measure in which we judge.  Be merciful and mercy will be granted you. 

Sadly, the other side of the coin is that many Christians are driven by pride in their quest to spread the Word. Their need to be right and for others to acknowledge that they are right contaminates the message God asks us to share. Pride - it is the devil's greatest tool.

We must always remember to pray for humility, patience, and guidance from the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, in which we strive to witness to the truth.  We also have a duty to seek out truth through scripture reading and learning about Church teachings, which have been passed down from the beginning of Christ's church on Earth!

And remember, we are human and not perfect.  When we sin and do not live up to our Christian duties, we pull ourselves up again (sacrament of penance) and begin again.  What a merciful and loving God we have!

Keep the faith, but be prepared.  Knowledge is power - even in the spiritual sense. :)


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